Violet-Headed Hummingbird – Klais guimeti
Many people have taken an interest in the Violet-Headed Hummingbird because it offers a very unique look. It is also a type of Hummingbird that is out in the open areas more than others. As a result it gives people more of an opportunity to see the colors and designs that it has to offer.
As you may have gathered from the name, the Violet-Headed Hummingbird has colors of violet on top of it. The shade may vary based on region and even the age of the Hummingbird. They are about 8 inches in length when they are fully mature. The bill is very long and straight. Behind each of the eyes you will notice areas of white.
The back of the Violet-Headed Hummingbird varies in color. It may be a shade of blue or green. The belly is a grayish black color. They have a very small tail that is both gray and white.
There are quite a few regions where the Violet-Headed Hummingbird is able to survive. They include Bolivia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Columbia, and Brazil. They survive in both the tropical and sub tropical areas. Most of them are located in the moist areas of the forest though. They seem to be doing fine as a species even in areas where modifications by humans have altered the natural habitat.
Like most other species of Hummingbirds, this one is very aggressive when it comes to protecting territory. That is even more so when food is scarce in the dry season. Females are extremely protective when they have eggs or young in nests that they want to be able to protect and offer enough food for.
The only time they will really be seen interacting is when they are looking for a mate or when they are finding food. There are some common locations where these Hummingbirds feed at once. However, that will quickly change in times when food supplies are hard to find. They will also slow down their metabolism then so that they can concern energy and survive on less.

Diet and Feeding
Nectar is what the Violet-Headed Hummingbird primarily consumes for their diet. They use their long bill to be able to get to the nectar deep down in various types of plants. They also consume small insects to get protein. In many regions this Hummingbird is believed to be solely responsible for the pollination of many types of plant life. Without their presence those plants wouldn’t be able to thrive.
Mating for the Violet-Headed Hummingbird occurs in the month of December and will span all the way into February of the following year. The chirps of the males become louder and more frequent. They will listen to see if any females respond. They will also display all of their colors to encourage her to mate. Once a male knows that a female is watching him he will engage in the diving rituals that are common of all species of Hummingbirds.
Once mating has occurred the male will disappear from the picture. The female will focus her time and attention on finding a great place to create her nest. She wants a place that is safe from predators and that is also close enough for her to go get food and come back frequently to check the nest.
She will deliver 2 eggs into the nest and they will start to hatch in about 2 weeks. The young are helpless and have no feathers for about a week. Then they develop feathers, they learn to fly, and within a couple of weeks they are out there on their own.